Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009

Distro Business Fying

Local clothing business which called distributor stores (distro) the fly and continue to grow. This is ogled the banking sector to offer business capital loans.

Used to predict local trends clothing only ten years old. But, the fact remains and instead continue to grow. In fact, many banks offer loans "said Achmad Saefudin Soni (28), owner of local clothing brand Blankwear, as seen in the hall in the building distributions Ministry of Industry of South Jakarta, Thursday (29/10).

D-3 graduate of Faculty of Economics, Padjadjaran University says, he already has two stores selling Blankwear brand products, namely at Jalan Sultan Agung, Jalan Dago and AH Nasution, East Jakarta. While the number of subscribers remained until now there are about 200 distributions are spread all over Indonesia. Production capacity of 20,000 garments per month. With 30 units of machinery and employs 60 employees, sales could reach USD a year. 20 billion.

Distributions actually refers to the place and generally in the form of shops displaying a variety of local brands. Owner distributions take the goods from the local clothing businesses or craftsmen who produce clothing clothing orders (usually called the vendor).

Strength concept
According to Soni, one of the key to the success of local clothing business strength lies in the concept and follow the development trend of clothing, especially from Japan. "Clothes that are usually in Japanese ngtren we produce here between three to four months later," he said.

Generally, the concept of the world's reference to music and sports. But there are also other local clothing products, such as brand and Ralij Airplane Try this at Home (one owner), is the concept of clothing for young Muslims (religious). One local clothing cirri of the products is limited. One design clothing produced approximately 300 units.

Problem creativity, Airplane's Open Menu Fiki Chikara Satari Tb (lecturer Unpas Bdg) using the bus as a mobile shop. Airplane vigorous promotion through magazine and radio. Airplane Bus Open Menu also move anywhere to Bali for the event.

In addition to internet media, many local clothing business is also working with television stations to provide a costume events in televises. Also, they joined in a container known as KICK (Kreative Independent Clothing Kommunity), which established in 2006 and composed of 28 local businessmen scattered clothes in Bandung, Jakarta and Yogjakarta.